Looks like beans n' rice to me : )
The beans n' rice that I was planning to make tonight was a packaged item that was given to us, among many other things, when a friend of ours moved. I have not prepared a packaged beans n' rice before so I don't know what they normally look like, but I wasn't so sure I should eat it after opening it. Since I had other things laying around that could make a nice meal and would be better for my body anyway, to the trash can it went!
Here is what I came up with instead:
2 oz. dry pasta cooked to desired consistency. While the pasta is cooking put 1 - 2 tablespoons of butter in a pan with 2 tablespoons of walnuts and a pinch of salt. Let the nuts toast a bit and then add approximately 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 - 2 tablespoons of freshly chopped parsley, and a small splash of cream (we'll say 1 tablespoon to stick with the theme). When the pasta is cooked and the sauce ingredients are combined, toss it together and serve.
It was so tasty! Definitely better than the packaged beans n' rice that I would have eaten otherwise. And besides, I think the trash can is really enjoying the beans n' rice.