February 19, 2014

Thus Begins the Journey

I FINALLY made it to the market!

Produce: comice pears (SO good!), grapefruit, lemons, kohlrabi, kale, romaine, parsley, and Brussels sprouts

Tea: Loose leaf earl gray, hibiscus licorice

Cheese: Fresh mozzarella, Parmesan, farmer's cheese, and brie de Meaux

Other Dairy: Heavy cream, butter, and milk

Meat: some sweet Italian pork sausage and mild Italian pork sausage

peanut butter

Anyone wondering what journey I am talking about?

I have finished the reading portion of Nourishing Traditions and, though I already thought that eating organically was important, it pushed me over the edge specifically to start buying organic dairy products that are from grass-fed cows (like the cream, butter, and milk I bought) . The prices for those items can be outrageous, but the market makes it a bit more reasonable. Plus, when we are talking about the health of our bodies, almost any cost I can manage is worth it to me. Did you know that cream and butter are rich sources of vitamins and minerals when they're organic and from grass-fed cows? I'm happy to have a very good reason to keep spreading butter on my toast : )

I also just started reading The China Study. This book definitely contradicts Nourishing Traditions in some ways, but not in others. 

Let's talk meat for a minute. Marshall and I really like our sausage. I do think that meat is an important part of our diet but I try to include more chicken and beef due to sausage not being the best source of meat available for our health. Furthermore, I was very sad to learn that Johnsonville sausage has some unnecessary things added to their sausage, including msg.... : ( I have bought sausage at the market before and it was good, so I will try my best to purchase that as a majority of the sausage we eat since it has nothing except meat, salt, and spices. Yay!

So the journey I am beginning is to consider all that these books have to say and decide what I believe from each. Then I will do my best to make the necessary changes to our diet.

There is a tidbit for you of what I have learned in my recent readings, and I really look forward to sharing more as I read, learn, and solidify what I believe to be true.   

Happy buttering....(as long as the cows ate grass : )

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