May 16, 2014


First of all, guess what I'm making right now?

QUICHE!!! (sorry there was no chance to guess)

Marshall is not a quiche fan. I have never even made one before today. Since Marshall is out of town I decided to go all out and make a quiche with mushrooms in it.....Something he would not be at all excited to eat. But I sure am! I'd much prefer to have my husband home and not eat quiche, but since he is gone I might as well make the most of it, right? For me that means eating zucchini, mushrooms, cucumbers, and quiche ; )

I'm not going to do a normal menu because I have no idea when I will make what and if it will be for lunch or dinner, yada yada yada. Also, I'm sure this quiche will feed me for many meals. But I do have some other plans. Here they are: 

mushroom barley soup -- I make this every time that Marshall is gone

tuna salad filled cucumbers -- I'd call it a tuna boat but I won't be having any tomatoes for people

roasted Parmesan zucchini topped with eggs -- I'll post the recipe for this later.The roasted zucchini makes a great side dish, but adding the eggs makes it a meal. Yum!

And, though this isn't a meal (or shouldn't be), I will definitely be popping some popcorn in coconut oil and sitting down to a movie at some point. 

Any movies suggestions? I'm thinking either Little Mermaid, Pride & Prejudice (with Keira Knightley), or Enchanted. But I'm willing to go to Redbox : )

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