May 14, 2014

Mistake #1

As a blogger it's very easy to come off as perfect. 

Only share your most delightful recipes, wait on the sun so your picture enhances the looks of your food, eat clean for your What I Ate Wednesday post, and NEVER talk about what went wrong in between all of those fabulous moments captured on your blog.

I want you to know that I am real, that I make mistakes, not everything I do in the kitchen is great (or even good), and if you have ever made something that you pretended to like for a couple of days and then threw out, have no fear, so have I. Or maybe you haven't done that.....I have.

Today will be the start of a little series of mistakes I'd like to share with you. I will post them sporadically, but they will definitely be shared ; )

Here goes number one!

This doesn't have so much to do with cooking as it does with prep for cooking. And there is a lesson for everyone to learn if they have not already learned it. Maybe when you see the picture below a memory comes flooding back of when you made this mistake. Hopefully for the last time.

Any guesses?

Let me walk you through this morning many months ago.

I had grand plans to make biscuits and gravy for breakfast as soon as I woke up. A breakfast that Marshall is always happy to have. It was a weekday though. I had the day off, but Marshall had to get to work. I was mentally prepared to wake up, run to kitchen, and prepare breakfast in a timely manner so Marshall could leave on time with a full stomach.

Those plans were carried out almost as planned. Here's what went wrong:

I knew the night before that the first thing I should do was turn on the oven so it could be nice and hot when I was finished making the biscuit dough. What did I actually do first? Just what I planned to do. I turned on the oven! What was the problem with this? My lovely English muffin dough that I prepared the night before was resting IN THE OVEN! As you can see, the bowl I used had a PLASTIC LID! 

As I happily opened the oven to put in the biscuits, I was so shocked that....Guess what I did? Very quickly set the biscuits on the counter and rushed back to retrieve my destroyed dough out of the 475 degree oven with MY BARE HANDS! OUCH! Thankfully, I only touched the hot metal, and didn't get my hands in the soft, melty plastic.

Lesson learned? Always check inside the oven before turning it on! I knew this already, but it slipped my mind. Since this accident, I have been much better about it.

So the morning didn't turn out exactly as planned, but we still ate our delicious breakfast, Marshall made it to work, and by 7am I had already learned a life lesson! I took this mistake in stride and laughed it off, but that's not always easy....especially with a burned hand. In the end, all that was lost was a plastic lid and some English muffin dough.....okay, my hand was burned too. But that was minor. So I'd say it was a big lesson with a small loss. 

My goal is to make as few mistakes as possible, but maybe by sharing them when they do happen I can prevent someone else from doing the same thing. I hope so!

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