March 12, 2016


A while back I bought a package with two huge steaks because it was on a super sale, and it has been in the freezer ever since. I figured it was about time I use it so we are having an abnormal amount of beef this week considering we don't have beef very often. I'm sure we'll enjoy it though. In fact, Marshall loves pho and has been asking for it for a while, and I love the balsamic Dijon steak pasta we are having. Looking forward to it but making up for it with a few vegetarian meals : )

Sunday - Pho -- Vietnamese noodle soup

Monday - Balsamic Dijon Steak Pasta, sauteed parsnips and carrots

Tuesday - Massaged Kale Salad with Farro Cranberries Hazelnuts and Apple, homemade bread -- Whenever we have salad for dinner I try to serve it with some homemade bread. Doesn't always happen but it makes Marshall happy. Though he doesn't mind the salads for dinner because he feels good after eating them AND they are tasty : )

Wednesday - Steak sandwiches with chipotle mayo, crispy baked edamame

Friday - Pasta with artichokes, olives, capers, and a coat of tomato sauce

Saturday - Spring hand pies with peas, onions, parsnips, and capers -- They are basically the same idea as a calzone but without sauce and cheese.

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