December 15, 2013

Menu and Buckwheat Crepe Review

Monday - tuna cakes with a creamy chive sauce
Tuesday - kalamata olive pizza
Wednesday - baked French onion soup
Thursday - probably leftovers from each of the soups
Friday - ordering chinese and watching a movie : ) night!

Let's talk about the buckwheat crepes that Marshall, Olivier, and I made last week. 

I have to admit, I had my doubts about the buckwheat flour. I had no reason to think it would be bad, but I also had no reason to think it would be good. We filled these crepes with smoked salmon, homemade creme fraiche, and chives. I haven't had that much smoked salmon in my life, and I didn't love it the times I had it. And if you don't know this already, creme fraiche is similar to sour cream, and sour cream is not my thing. I open the container in fear, hoping that none of it gets my finger so I'm not in danger of instinctively licking it......okay, I'm sure you get it.

Let me tell you, the buckwheat flour doubter, smoked salmon skeptic, and creme fraiche scaredy cat, these crepes were great! Marshall made the crepes while Olivier and I assembled. Thanks Olivier for directing us in the French ways! : )

So I'll encourage you - go out there and buy some buckwheat flour (which is gluten free by the way). Though at this time I do not have other recipe recommendations for it since I haven't used it for anything else, the crepes alone will make it worth it! I also have only made these savory crepes, but I can't think of any reason they wouldn't be just as good for a sweet crepe.

Oh, and just to make you smile......this is what I ate while writing a few Christmas cards!


  1. :)) Drinking Vanilla Cinnamon Black Tea as I write a few Christmas cards! (from Trader Joe's, recommended by Mandie..."It has a lemur on the box. It tastes like a cookie! "...yep! a lemur.)

    How fun! All the international influence you and Marshall are having...and supplying! ;) I am interested in the tuna cakes. I LOVE crab cakes and I often think tuna cakes may suffice...though probably not. ...the creamy chive sauce would help.

    I often think of you when I have sour cream. :)

    1. The tuna cakes were yummy. Even Marshall liked them : )

      We ate them on toasted English muffins with provolone cheese. The sauce was an important part, but not to cover up the tuna, to compliment!
