January 12, 2014


Monday - quinoa pasta (which is made with quinoa flour and corn flour) tossed with chicken, kale, roasted brussel sprouts, sharp cheddar, and a bit of olive oil

Tuesday - salsa chicken, rice, green beans

Wednesday - pasta with beans -- let me explain -- After soaking and boiling black beans you break them up while cooking them in bacon fat, and serve tossed with homemade pasta and the bacon from which the bacon fat was reserved. Kale on the side

Thursday - tuna cakes with creamy chive sauce on English muffins, brussel sprouts

Friday - layered kale -- let me explain again : ) -- think of this like a cabbage roll...kale layered with a mix of beef, rice, onions, and seasonings

Sunday - homemade tamales!!! (no idea about the sides yet...)

So let's talk tamales - I have been wanting to make these for about a year. Why has it not happened?

Because first I could not find masa flour, then, after finding it in McHenry and bringing it back in my suitcase, I could not find corn husks (which I had previously seen at Publix), and after finding those buried on the bottom of a shelf at a Korean grocery I had already used the beef that I had originally bought for them. I puchased some new beef, found the time to cook the tamale meat, put it in the freezer, and then the holidays came around and there was no time for such endeavors.

So in other words - I have been waiting for these a long time (and so has Amber)! So in more words - I am really hoping the long anticipation does not outdo the outcome.

These tamales better be good!

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