August 13, 2014

Two Year Anniversary of Living in Atlanta

 Today marks two years since moving to Atlanta. I suppose in the blogging world this post could be referred to as "photo dumping", but I thought I'd throw down some pictures of our time here. 

But before that, let's begin with where we started.

Loading the Truck. Thanks for the help guys! (And many other un-pictured family and friends)

 Below is the U-haul that took us here. I love how happy (or terrified?) this spider looks : ) And now every time I see this U-haul I refer to it as "our U-haul". I would like to have it when we move back home. Not because it's anything special, but because I'm pretty sure that weird spider is mine.

On the way!

And then we got there....Please note that we had already done quite a bit of unpacking at this point. I love how the dishwasher is even open. It adds to the craziness.

Bundo and Kyungsun! We met these neighbors of ours while carrying our mattress to our apartment. Thanks for the help Bundo!...Even though you had secretly tried to avoid us by using the other elevator ; ) ...I guess our friendship was meant to be! Oh how we loved having them as neighbors. A knock at the door was usually them, our Friday nights were usually spent with them, but then they had to move. Now we reminisce about the past while hanging out on Google. 

Making pizza with Alex and Julia.

Making soup and pumpkin things with Julia. Cooking with Julia usually involves pumpkin.

Baking Christmas cookies with Amber and Francesca. I couldn't help but share the deliciousness of some of my Mother's cookies with my friends! And they even helped me make them : )

Got to go on a road trip through Louisiana and Texas with these guys (Lothar and Manon), and then visit them in Germany!

4th of July with Erin and Blake (who recently moved), and Sam and Caitlin (who we are so thankful to have here)

Some friends have to move, but there are always more out there. Here are some new friends we've met more recently and shared dinner with.

But our most favorite memory of living here is having this bunch of blessings over last Thanksgiving. How special it was to be surrounded by some of our favorite people for the holiday. 

I miss my family, I miss my friends, I miss being a stone's throw away from my bestie (did I really just say bestie? Somehow I'm okay with it), and I miss knowing everybody at my church.

But I also know that when we leave I will miss our church here, I will miss coffee and lunch dates with Carol, I will miss going to the market with Amber, I will miss the family I nanny for, I will miss the friendship we're developing with Sam and Caitlin, and I may even reminisce about living here someday. 

So in the meantime, I am thankful for this adventure. 

Bring on the next two (or more) years!

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